NT Labs Anti-Internal Bacteria

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Sale priceR 245.00
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Suitable for coldwater & tropical aquariums, treatment for internal infections such as reddening of body, cloudy & pop eye.

Certain species of bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Aeromonas and Vibrio bacteria can infect fish internally causing an array of symptoms. Anti-Internal Bacteria penetrates deep into the fish to locate the disease causing bacteria and eradicate them.

Always test your water using NT Labs Aquarium Lab test kits.

Winner of the Water Treatments category in the PFK Manufactures Poll 2019.

View our medicinal treatment rules


Q: I have to remove chlorine & chloramine from my tap water so why am I now adding it in with these products? A: Although they share very similar names, chloramine and chloramine T are in fact very different compounds and have quite different properties.



Active Ingredients: Chloramine T 1150 mg/100 mL

Available in the following variations:


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