Waglife Joint & Immune Support 250g

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Helping your furry best friend stay mobile throughout their life stages is just one way of showing them how important they are to you.

WAGLIFE joint’s advanced formula is made with 100% human grade ingredients such as clinically proven UCII® collagen, MSM, glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin C & zinc for maintaining healthy joints throughout their life stages - from puppyhood through their senior years!


Reduces joint pain significantly
Reduces joint stiffness
Improves joint mobility & flexibility & function
Reduces joint inflammation
Improves quality of life & playfulness

Give your dog the trusted joint support they need today!

  • UCII® works on a cellular level to reduce pain & inflammation.
  • MSM provides cushioning so movement is smooth and pain free.
  • Glucosamine & chondroitin help provide structural integrity to joints by repairing joint cartilage & lubricating joints for greater mobility.
  • Vitamin C aids in healing processes by protecting cells from oxidative damage
  • Zinc helps increase mobility and reduce pain from arthritic conditions like osteoarthritis.

At WAGLIFE, we understand that supporting your dog’s joint health is essential for their wellbeing. WAGLIFE joint is an advanced formula made with clinically proven UCII® collagen and we added MSM, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Vitamin C & Zinc which work in synergy to help reduce inflammation, promote joint repair & regeneration, combat free radical damage, reduce pain associated with osteoarthritis, improve mobility of the joints & aid overall joint health function in dogs.

The combination of these 6 ingredients may be extremely beneficial when taken together, as they each have their own unique qualities that contribute towards better overall joint health in dogs.

UCII® collagen:

UCII® is a natural & patented form of undenatured Type II Collagen derived from chicken sternum cartilage. When taken orally, it helps repair & rebuild damaged cartilage between bones and reducing pain, giving your dog the support they need.

A number of clinical studies in dogs, horses & humans with UCII® have shown:

Significant reduction in pain & inflammation
Supports joints and connective tissue to improve flexibility and mobility for adult and senior dogs
Helps support your dogs’ ability to run, walk and jump, giving you visible results in just a few weeks
62% reduction in overall pain at 120 days
Ongoing treatment results in continued improvement of pain, flexibility & function with maximum benefit seen at 150 days

The longer you take it, the better you will feel

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)

MSM is an organic sulphur containing compound that plays an important role in joint health by providing lubrication for greater flexibility and reducing inflammation.  MSM may also be helpful in improving range of motion in joints affected by arthritis and may aid digestion because it helps breakdown proteins which aid in the absorption of nutrients from food sources. 

Glucosamine HCl

Glucosamine is an important component in the formation of cartilage tissue and works like a building block to help repair damaged cartilage & provide cushioning for joints. Glucosamine helps create glycosaminoglycans which are important components of cartilage found at the ends of bones that cushion them when they come into contact with one another, as well as provide support during movement.  Supplementing with glucosamine can help to maintain healthy levels of HA while reducing pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. 

Chondroitin Sulphate

Chondroitin works alongside glucosamine by helping with water retention within the joints while also aiding in keeping them lubricated allowing for greater mobility & less discomfort from stiffness or pain during movement such as difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

Chondroitin helps to protect existing cartilage from further breakdown by blocking the enzymes responsible for breaking down cartilage.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has antioxidant properties which helps protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals which can lead to inflammation if left unchecked. In addition, Vitamin C plays an important role in cartilage synthesis due to its involvement in collagen production – an important building block for connective tissues like tendons and ligaments around joints.

Vitamin C also boosts immunity which helps protect against infections that could potentially worsen conditions related to joint health such as arthritis or tendonitis.


Zinc deficiency is linked to impaired skeletal muscle function including reduced strength, mobility impairment and suppressed immune system response – all key factors influencing joint health in dogs. Supplementing zinc can help mitigate these effects while also providing anti-inflammatory benefits since zinc blocks the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting from aging or injury-related damage to joints in our canine friends.


Not all collagens are created equal !

UC-II® is a patented undenatured type II collagen that has been clinically proven to significantly improve joint health in dogs. . Unlike other products that contain Type II collagen, the efficacy of UC-II® has been supported by multiple studies. 

Unlike traditional type II collagen supplements, UC-II® undergoes manufacturing using a patented low-temperature process that preserves the structure of the collagen without altering its natural state, which makes it more bioavailable and effective for joint health.  

This means that dogs can experience faster and more effective relief from joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation with UC-II® compared to traditional type II collagen supplements.

UC-II® comes from chicken sternum cartilage and has many studies to show its benefits in both healthy and arthritic dogs to support joint comfort, flexibility and mobility.

What are the benefits of UC-II® in dogs ?

UC-II® aids in significantly reducing pain and inflammation, and as a result, it supports joints and connective tissue to improve flexibility and mobility for adult and senior dogs.

By providing targeted support for the immune system and addressing the underlying causes of joint inflammation, UC-II® collagen can help dogs of all ages maintain healthy joint function and mobility.

In addition, it helps support your dogs’ ability to run, walk and jump, giving you visible results in just a few weeks.

UC-II® is a safe and effective way to decrease pain associated with joint inflammation while helping repair and rebuild damaged joints in dogs.

Is UC-II® scientifically proven in dogs?

Numerous research studies in humans and dogs and horses have been conducted and published in peer-reviewed journals. 

Following 120 days of treatment in dogs on UC-II®

After 30 days:

33% reduction in overall pain

After 60 days:

66% reduction in pain upon limb manipulation

44% reduction in exercise-associated lameness

After 120 days:

62% reduction in overall pain

91% reduction in pain upon limb manipulation

78% reduction in exercise-associated lameness

The dogs were more playful and energetic!

None of the dogs showed any signs of adverse effects.
There were no significant changes in any markers of liver function (ALT or bilirubin) or renal or heart function (BUN and creatinine)

What makes UCI® collagen unique to other collagens used in pet supplements?

  • UC-II® is 100% human grade, is well established in human and pet medicine 
  • This undenatured type II collagen is so effective because it undergoes minimal processing when extracted in a patented process.
  • In addition, undenatured type II collagen keeps the same 3D structure as it does in animals & humans. Therefore the body can recognize it, absorb it quickly & adequately react to it to stop the inflammation for maximum benefit.
  • On the contrary, type II collagen treated by heat or hydrolysed ( as found in most other supplements) will lose its specific 3D structure; it is called denatured type II collagen and no longer resembles that in the body of your dog. 
  • They can take a long time to absorb or may not be effective at all, whereas UCI® begins working within minutes after consumption making it ideal for treating chronic joint issues.

How does UC-II® work on pain and inflammation in dogs?

UC-II® reacts with the body’s immune system to improve crippling signs and symptoms of arthritis.  Type II collagen is the main structural protein found in cartilage & connective tissue, providing strength, toughness, flexibility and support to joints.

UC-II® functions through a process called oral tolerization.  This process takes place in the small intestine where food is absorbed.  Through a complex series of immunological events, patches of lymphoid tissue (Peyer’s Patches) surrounding the small intestine, screens incoming compounds and serves as a “switch” to turn the body’s immune response to foreign substances on or off. 

This interaction between UC-II and the cells deactivates the immune reactions that cause inflammation and painthis is the phenomenon of oral tolerance.

So not only does UC-II® provide cartilage components to the body, its natural, undenatured 3D structure prevents the immune system from attacking the articular cartilage of your dog’s body.

When using supplements containing UC-II®, you will notice an improvement in your dog’s mobility, as the pain decreases after a few weeks. As you continue to give UC-II® to your dog, you will see them feeling better and more active.

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