Bio-Elite Soft Water Conditioner (with IAL)

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Size: 100ML
Sale priceR 155.00
Only 2 units left

Bio-Elite Soft-water Conditioner is used to create and maintain optimum “black water” conditions, which are dark, soft and acidic. Many species of fresh water fish occur naturally in rivers, streams, pools, swamps and lakes with these conditions. In order to keep these fish successfully in captivity, one needs to mimic these black water conditions.

Species which require these conditions include Betta fish (Siamese fighting fish), Gouramies, Angels, Discus, South American Cichlids, certain Tetras, Killifish, Arowanas, African exotics such as Elephant nose, Leaf fish, Rope fish and Butterfly fish, certain Asian exotics and many others.

Many of these species available on the market are wild caught in their natural habitat and in order to control their stress levels, get them to feed properly and even breed, one must try to provide them with the correct water chemistry in the aquarium, similar to their natural waters.

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