Breeding the Black Neon Tetra
You can breed Black Neon Tetras relatively easy if the water quality is right. Condition a breeding pair before spawning with live foods such as mosquito larvae or brine shrimp. Choose the male that is the most colourful and the biggest healthiest female.
A separate breeding tank will be required to produce the highest yield of fry. The tank will need to contain soft acidic water with a dark substrate and dim lighting, and the temperature should be increased by a few degrees. Make sure you have plenty of fine-leaved plants as a spawning medium and floating plants to help keep the light subdued.
Spawning usually occurs in the morning. The female will scatter several hundred sticky eggs onto the plants and substrate. After spawning has occurred, remove the parents, or else they will almost certainly eat the eggs and fry.
The eggs will hatch around 22 to 26 hours later, and the fry will become free swimming three to four days after that.
The fry is relatively easy to raise, and you may feed them commercially prepared foods, finely crushed flake foods or newly hatched brine shrimp.
Young fish should be kept isolated until they are big enough not to get eaten by the adults. You can then place them back into the standard aquarium.