The PM1 probe module is just what you need if you want to monitor pH or ORP in your tank. And, there is an added bonus, you get an extra temperature port as well as six I/O switch inputs for use on ATO, feed buttons, or whatever else you may come up with.
Features of the pH/ORP Module include:
- Monitor/Control pH or ORP, and temperature.
- 6 digital inputs for float switches, water on floor sensors, pressure sensors, etc.
- Full datalogging support in Apex Base module.
- Up to 240 AquaBus modules can be added to the Apex system.
- Plug and Play. Automatically recognized when installed into the system.
- Two AquaBus connectors for flexible expansion via AquaBus
- Led Status Indicator
- Upgradeable firmware.
- Compatible with all Apex systems.
- Galvanic Isolation for accurate and reliable probe readings.
- Comes with 3′ AquaBus cable.
This module is perfect for someone that wants to add an additional pH or ORP port to their Apex System.
Great uses for the extra ports
If this is an additional pH port, it could be used for another tank or for control of the CO2 solenoid on your calcium reactor.
If you choose to use it for ORP, you could have the Apex use that ORP value to turn on and off an ozone generator.
Of course, you could set up audible or email alerts too if these values should fall out of range.
Extra Temperature port
Having an extra temperature port and probe is always useful. Some people like to put one probe in the display tank and one in the sump just for redundancy. That way, should your return pump go out, you would be monitoring the display tank and would see the temperature falling and know something was not right.
Want to monitor an additional tank?
With the PM1 you can easily use your existing Apex to monitor additional tanks simply buy adding this module. Then, just buy our pH and Temperature probes and you’ll be all set!
Six I/O Switch Ports
Purchase our optional I/O Breakout Box and you can monitor the off/on state of six I/O signals. This is useful if you want to set up an ATO (Auto Top Off), a feed button, or even a sump door alarm or light switch.
Let’s Talk About A Little Thing Called Galvanic Isolation
This is a topic other controller companies like to avoid. Why? Because not all monitoring ports are created equal. Galvanic Isolation is key to getting accurate readings on pH, Temp, ORP, and Conductivity. Some controllers either do not do it well (they are still figuring it out) or possibly not at all.
So what is Galvanic isolation? Well, the tech-answer is that it’s where two or more electric circuits must communicate, but their grounds may be at different potentials. It is an effective method of breaking ground loops by preventing unwanted current from flowing between two units sharing a ground conductor.
Now of course that is all geek-speak to most of us so let’s just put it this way: on a controller without galvanic isolation, your readings of pH, Temperature, ReDox (ORP), Conductivity/Salinity, etc. will be completely inaccurate. Of course it costs us more to add this circuitry into the Apex, but what good is a controller if it doesn’t give you accurate readings?