Once again, Ocean Nutrition is leading the innovation path by introducing a revolutionary concept: Instant Baby Brine Shrimp. Baby brine shrimp (nauplii of Artemia salina) are widely used in the aquarium hobby as food during the first stages of many delicate fishes and for invertebrates. To this date, there has been little or no innovation in the use of Baby Brine Shrimp in the hobby. The whole process of hatching brine shrimp cysts at home can be tedious and cumbersome. More often than not, due to variables such as improper storage, the hatching rate can be rather disappointing. The next challenge facing the hobbyist is synchronizing the hatching time with first feeding of the fry. Those days are over. Ocean Nutrition has developed the Instant Baby Brine Shrimp, a revolutionary off the shelf product that allows you to use brine shrimp when and where you need them. The product consists entirely of sterile newborn nauplii in an aqueous solution. The nauplii have a very good buoyancy, as if you are dealing with a live product !! The product can be kept and stored at room temperature. Once open, the product must be kept in the refrigerator. To avoid any quality issues make sure that the security strip is complete at the time of purchase. It contains a net weight of over 20g drain weight, or in excess of 1.5 million nauplii. Ideal for delicate small fish, fish fry and invertebrates. One bottle contains in excess of 1.5 million Artemia nauplii. Developed in collaboration with the Artemia Reference Center (of the Ghent University in Belgium). Does not cloud the water.
Baby Brine Shrimp (Artemia nauplii).
Typical analysis
9.3 % |
0.2 % |
2.2 % |
1.2 % |
85.0 % |
Packaging details
Instant Baby Brine Shrimp, jar of 20gr
Did you know?
Female Artemia can produce up to 57 nauplii per day.
Could be used for these groups of fish
Angels - Pygmy Angels
Barbs - Tetra's - Rasbora's
Damsels - Anthias
Discus - Angels
Gobies - Blennies
Mandarins - Cardinals
Nano Reef
Rainbow Fish
Seahorses - Razorfish
Shrimps - Crayfish - Crabs
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