RES-Q-MED is a reefsafe Whitespot treatment which effectively removes any parasite which goes into a larval stage by stopping any new eggs from hatching.
• Reef safe when used as directed
• Will not negatively impact denitrifying bacteria
• Will not stain aquarium
• Highly economical
Before starting with treatment, discontinue use of ozone, uv, sterilizers and remove carbon. Protein skimming can be used during the entire duration of treatment.
Add one level scoop of RES-Q-MED per 100lts water twice daily. First dose should be administered before 09:00 in the morning and the second dose should be administered after 21:30 in the evening. Treatment should be administered for a minimum of 12 days, but should not exceed 22 days.
Do not overdose! RES-Q-MED crystals can cause irritation if in contact with corals. For this reason, RES-Q-MED should be added in a high flow area away from corals such as your sump. Alternatively, dissolve RES-Q-MED in 250ml of RO water and immediately add this solution into your aquarium.