All our fish, shrimp and corals are bagged with fresh oxygen as well as a heat pack in winter.
When ordering livestock please select the box size and add it to your cart for accurate overnight (1-2 days) shipping costs. A small box can take 1-2 bags and a medium box 6 bags. One bag fits max 10 small (1-3cm) fish or max 2 medium (3-5cm) fish or max 1 large (>5cm) fish.
ONE SPECIES PER BAG. Eg: One bag of 10 neon tetra
Red Tail Sharks are an eye-catching freshwater fish that we’ve been drawn to for quite a while. Their simple yet striking appearance is something you don’t often see in other species.
Because of their aesthetic appeal, this fish has gotten a lot of interest from the aquarium community over the years. This is in spite of the fact that the fate of the species is actually in a bit of trouble.
But these fish are more than just pretty. They’re actually fairly easy to care for and can be low-maintenance if you place them in the right habitat (more on that later).
This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Red Tail Shark care. You’ll learn good options for tank mates, what food they eat, how big they get, and much more!
Let’s get started.
Species Summary
The Red Tail Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a freshwater fish that is found in Thailand. It is often referred to by other names like the Red-Tailed Shark, Red-Tailed Black Shark, Fire Tail Shark, and Red Rail Shark Minnow.
The origin of these names are rather obvious when you see one. The majority of their body is black except for their caudal fin, which is red.
There was a highly condensed population of Red Tail Sharks in Bueng Boraphet, which is the largest freshwater lake and swamp area in the middle portion of Thailand. There are a number of streams that trickle out from this body of water where you could find this species as well.
The reason we say “could find” is because this species is now considered to be Critically Endangered. As a matter of fact, the Red Tail Shark was assumed to be extinct as recently as 2011. Even though it has been verified that this fish is still around in the wild, their numbers are a fraction of what they once were.
This is something that a lot of people in the aquarium scene don’t realize. You see these freshwater aquarium sharks quite a bit in tanks all over the world and are talked about in forums often as well.
The average Red Tail Shark lifespan is between 5 and 8 years. While there’s always an element of randomness to this, there are some things you can do to ensure that they live as long as possible.
Among them keeping them in a great habitat and reducing stress by keeping them with the proper tank mates.
The appearance of the Red Tail Shark is pretty straightforward. From a colour standpoint, there are only two colours to mention (black and red), and their bodies have a classic shark-like appearance.
One of the reasons why this fish is so striking is the sudden change in colour from black to red. The majority of their body is completely black with no deviation or patterning anywhere (even on the fins).
But that all changes when you get to the caudal fin.
Right at the end of the caudal peduncle, the colour shifts from black to bright red. It doesn’t shift gradually either. There’s literally a vertical line where it does a complete colour change!
On their caudal tail, this red colour is steady throughout. Some specimens might have a bit more of a translucent red near the edge of the fin, but that’s not the case every time.
Their bodies look very much like a shark (even though they technically aren’t). The Red Tail Black Shark has a long and thin body that’s shaped very much like a torpedo.
Their dorsal fin begins roughly halfway back on their body and resembles the classic trait of the scary fish we’ve come to fear in movies. The rest of their fins (excluding the caudal) are much smaller.
Red Tail Shark Size
The average Red Tail Shark size is between 10 and 15cm when fully grown. This assumes good care and genetic conditions.
In our experience, this species will typically end up being on the higher end of that range as long as you’re giving them proper care.
Red Tail Shark care is often misunderstood by many aquarists. They hear how these fish can be aggressive in certain situations (which are easily avoided) and assume that they’re difficult to care for.
But that’s not the case.
These fish are pretty straightforward and easy to care for as long as you know the basics. They’re pretty hardy and can handle a reasonable range of water parameters which makes things a lot easier as an owner.
With that being said, if you set them up with an insufficient tank you’ll definitely have some problems. Read this section to learn everything you need in order to start things off right.
Tank Size
The recommended tank size for Red Tail Sharks is 208L. Even though these fish aren’t massive, they’re quite active and need a good amount of room to swim.
This space also comes in handy for reducing the possibility of aggressive behavior. They can get territorial, and that only gets worse when they’re right on top of one another.
Water Parameters
Water parameters are an element of Red Tail Shark care that you won’t have to worry much about. These fish are fairly hardy and can tolerate a reasonable range in the following levels:
- Water temperature: 22°C to 26°C
- pH levels: 6.5 to 7.5
- Water hardness: 10-15 KH
Even though these aren’t the most sensitive species in the world, you should always check the water parameters on a consistent basis. This will prevent anything from shifting out of the recommended windows and impacting the health of your fish.
Invest in a good aquarium testing kit to make sure the readings you’re getting are accurate.
What To Put In Their Tank
Setting up a good Red Tail Shark habitat is pretty simple once you understand their native environment. As we mentioned earlier, this fish comes from the largest lake and swamp area in central Thailand. These waters are full of vegetation, wood, and rocks.
This means you should include these items if you want your fish to be comfortable. Not only will they provide enrichment and something these fish are familiar with, but it will also reduce their aggressive tendencies.
Any durable and reasonably-sized plants like hornwort or water wisteria will work well.

Some driftwood is a good inclusion that will provide some variety and places for fish to hide. Make sure there’s enough room to swim after adding everything. It’s easy to go overboard when decorating a tank!
Author Note: The ideal substrate for Red Tail Sharks is moderately-sized gravel or pebbles. Red Tail Sharks are bottom-dwellers for the most part, so getting the substrate right is very important.
Food & Diet Recommendations
You have a lot of options when it comes to Red Tail Shark food. These fish are omnivores and are not picky about what they eat!
In their natural habitat, they eat plants, insects, and various crustaceans. Obviously it’s hard to replicate their normal diet in captivity, but it’s not that hard to come close!
Most owners feed this species flakes or pellets as the primary source of nutrition. Nothing fancy here, just go with your favorite high-quality provider.
You can also throw in some other foods for the sake of variety and enrichment. We’re firm believers that doing this will not only keep your Red Tail Shark happier, but it will extend their lifespan as well.
Brine shrimp, bloodworms, and tubifex are some of our favourites. These are not only rich in protein and nutrients, but they bring out some different active behaviors in your fish.
Behavior & Temperament
Red Tail Sharks are a very active fish that are a lot of fun to watch. You’ll often see them swimming near the bottom of the tank while darting away to investigate other areas they find interesting.
This activity level is why it’s so important to give them an adequate tank size and set their habitat up properly. They need room to roam!
Any aggressive tendencies they display will be exaggerated by insufficient space or the wrong tank mates (more details on that in the section below). This species is very territorial and needs to have its own spot in the aquarium in order to feel comfortable.
Red Tail Shark Tank Mates
Because of their potential to be an aggressive fish, it’s important you choose the right tank mates for your Red Tail Shark.
Fish that will mind their own business and spend more of their time in the upper half of the aquarium are compatible.
Here are some possible Red Tail Shark tank mates:
- Neon Tetra
- Bala Shark
- Honey Gourami
- Sparkling Gourami
- Congo Tetra
- Pearl Gourami
- Angelfish
- Dwarf Gourami