"Ritteri Anemone – A Stunning Showstopper for Your Reef!"
The Ritteri Anemone (Heteractis magnifica) is a true gem for any reef tank, with its vibrant colors ranging from deep blues and purples to striking greens and pinks. Known for its large size and elegant, flowing tentacles, it creates a dramatic centerpiece that will transform your aquarium. Popular with clownfish, this anemone provides both beauty and function, offering shelter and a symbiotic home for clownfish or other compatible species.
Care Requirements:
Tank Size: Minimum 90 gallons (due to size and lighting needs)
Water Parameters: 74-82°F, salinity 1.024-1.026, pH 8.1-8.4
Lighting: High-intensity lighting (LED or metal halide) is essential to support its vibrant colors and health
Flow: Moderate to strong water flow to keep it healthy and encourage movement
Diet: Carnivorous – feed a variety of meaty foods such as shrimp, fish, and other seafood; may also benefit from zooxanthellae (algae) produced by proper lighting
Compatibility: Peaceful with other reef-safe species; avoid placing near aggressive fish
Special Needs: Needs stable water conditions and a mature tank with plenty of rockwork for attachment; will move to find the right environment (make sure it’s well-secured)
This anemone adds an incredible burst of color and movement to your tank, but it does require proper care and attention to thrive.