Atyo Gabonensis (Gabon Shrimp) Care Sheet
Common Names: Vampire Shrimp, African Filter Shrimp, Giant African Fan Shrimp
Scientific Name: Atya gabonensis
Origin: West Africa (Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria) and parts of South America
Size: 12 cm
Lifespan: 5-7 years
Temperament: Peaceful
Tank Level: Bottom to mid-level
Diet: Filter feeder
Tank Requirements
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters) for a single shrimp, larger for groups
Water Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C)
pH: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (3-12 dGH)
Substrate: Sand or fine gravel preferred
Filtration: Moderate to strong flow, as they are filter feeders
Tank Setup & Care
Hiding Spots: Provide driftwood, caves, or dense plants for security
Water Flow: Moderate to strong; they use their fan-like appendages to filter-feed
Lighting: Moderate, but they prefer shaded or covered areas
Tank Mates: Peaceful fish (tetras, rasboras, corydoras, snails, or other shrimp). Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping species
Diet & Feeding
Primary Diet: Filter-feeds on suspended particles, algae, and microorganisms
Supplemental Feeding: Powdered foods, crushed fish flakes, or baby shrimp food
Feeding Tip: Place food in a high-flow area so they can catch it with their fan-like appendages
Behavior & Additional Notes
Nocturnal Tendencies: More active in the evening
Slow Growth: Takes years to reach full size
Molting: Will shed exoskeleton periodically—needs hiding spots for protection during this time
Breeding: Difficult in captivity, as larvae require brackish or marine conditions
Gabon Shrimp are peaceful, unique filter feeders that thrive in well-maintained aquariums with steady water flow. With proper care, they can be a fascinating and long-lived addition to a community tank!