Red Fire Neocaridina Shrimp – Description & Care
Common Name: Red Fire Shrimp, Fire Red Shrimp
Scientific Name: Neocaridina davidi
Origin: Taiwan
Size: 1-1.5 inches (2.5-4 cm)
Lifespan: 1.5-2 years
Temperament: Peaceful
Tank Level: Bottom to mid-level
Diet: Omnivore
Red Fire Neocaridina Shrimp are a high-grade variation of the Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), displaying an intense, solid red coloration. They are highly sought after for their bright, uniform red shell, which is more vibrant than standard Cherry Shrimp. Their small size and peaceful nature make them a popular choice for planted aquariums and shrimp-focused tanks.
Care Requirements
Tank Requirements
Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons (larger is better for colonies)
Water Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C)
pH: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: 4-12 dGH
Substrate: Dark substrates enhance their red color
Filtration: Sponge filters or gentle flow filters recommended
Tank Setup & Care
Best in groups of 5+ (larger colonies thrive better)
Hiding spots: Live plants (such as Java Moss, Anubias, and Bucephalandra), driftwood, and shrimp caves provide security
Tank Mates: Best with other peaceful shrimp, snails, and small, non-aggressive fish like nano rasboras and small tetras
Diet & Feeding
Primary Diet: Algae, biofilm, and detritus
Supplemental Feeding: Shrimp pellets, blanched vegetables (zucchini, spinach), and protein-rich foods like bloodworms (occasionally)
Feeding Tip: Avoid overfeeding to maintain good water quality
Easy to breed in stable conditions
Females carry eggs (berried) for about 3-4 weeks before hatchlings emerge
No larval stage, baby shrimp are miniature versions of adults and grow quickly
Additional Notes
Color Enhancement: High-quality food and dark substrates can help maintain deep red coloration
Water Quality: Sensitive to copper and ammonia spikes, requiring regular water changes
Molting: Provide hiding spots for safety during molting phases
Red Fire Neocaridina Shrimp are hardy, easy to care for, and excellent for planted nano tanks. Their bright red color makes them a standout addition to any peaceful aquarium setup!