Yellow-Tailed Congo Tetra – Description & Care Guide
Scientific Name: Alestopetersius caudalis
Common Names: Yellow-Tailed Congo Tetra
Size: Up to 3.9 inches (10 cm)
Lifespan: 5 – 8 years with proper care
Colors: Metallic blues, greens, and yellows with a distinctive bright yellow tail fin
Body Shape: Elongated, laterally compressed body with large eyes
Temperament: Peaceful and sociable; thrives in groups
Habitat: Native to the Congo River Basin in Central Africa
Care Requirements:
Tank Setup:
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons for a small group; larger tanks preferred for bigger schools
Water Temperature: 72° – 79°F (22° – 26°C)
pH Level: 5.0 – 7.5; slightly acidic to neutral water preferred
Substrate: Dark-colored sand or fine gravel to mimic natural habitat
Decorations: Densely planted areas with open swimming spaces; include driftwood and rocks for hiding spots
Lighting: Subdued lighting to replicate shaded environments
Lid/Cover: Recommended, as they may jump
Water Quality:
Ammonia & Nitrites: 0 ppm
Nitrate Levels: Below 20 ppm
Water Changes: 25% weekly to maintain optimal water quality
Type: Omnivorous
- High-quality flake or pellet foods
- Live or frozen foods (e.g., brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms)
- Occasional vegetable matter like blanched spinach or zucchini
Feeding Schedule: 2 – 3 times daily in small amounts
Behavior & Compatibility:
Schooling Fish: Keep in groups of at least 6 to promote natural behavior
Tank Mates: Compatible with other peaceful species such as tetras, rasboras, danios, corydoras, and small cichlids
Activity Level: Active swimmers; appreciate ample space
Aggression: Generally peaceful; males may display mild territorial behavior during breeding
Health & Common Issues:
Fin Rot: Caused by poor water quality; prevent with regular maintenance
Ich (White Spot Disease): Treat with temperature adjustments and appropriate medications
Bacterial Infections: Maintain pristine water conditions to prevent
Difficulty: Moderate; requires specific conditions
Spawning Setup: Separate breeding tank with fine-leaved plants or spawning mops
Water Conditions: Slightly acidic water (pH 6.0 – 6.5); temperature around 75°F (24°C)
Fry Care: Feed infusoria or liquid fry food initially; transition to baby brine shrimp as they grow
Additional Tips:
- Ensure the tank is well-covered to prevent jumping
- Provide a balanced diet to enhance coloration and health
- Regularly monitor water parameters to maintain a stable environment
- Observe fish interactions to ensure a peaceful community
The Yellow-Tailed Congo Tetra is a vibrant and engaging addition to a community aquarium, offering both beauty and dynamic activity. Proper care and attention to their environment will ensure they thrive and display their best colors.